Noah Howard Noah Howard


Desert Harmony

Release Date: 1st June 2007
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Compositions by Noah Howard

  1. Brazil
  2. Evening in Amman
  3. Prince Mansour
  4. Ottata
  5. You All
  6. Wadi Rum
  7. Desert Stars
  8. Obayi
  9. African Man
  10. Dr L. Mambo
  11. One for Few

About the album

Over the years one thing I have learned is to be open to all musical styles and to keep on learning and creating. This year, for the first time in my life, I travelled to the Middle East. It was a long journey from New Orleans but a continuation of the experience of composing and playing music all over the world. Desert Harmony is a representation of this magnificent brotherhood of musicians in our world.

Noah Howard

Recording: Amman, 2007
Label: AltSax Records (634479615061)

Recorded with

Omar al-Faqir (p)
Bobby Few (p)
Harry Swift (b)
Calyer Duncan (dr)